Adam Beechen (Hench), Ben Blacker (Thrilling Adventure Hour), Heath Corson (Justice League: War), and Len Wein (creator of Wolverine, Swamp Thing, and hundreds more) answer your questions about comic script formatting, pacing, breaking in, Len's Man Thing, and more.
Heath Corson (Batman: Assault on Arkham) and Adam Beechen (Batman Beyond) chat with Her Universe founder Ashley Eckstein and Professional dweeb/licensing manager Mac Beauvais about licensing, barriers to fandom, strong female characters, and New Kids on the Block to celebrate their roll out of their new marvel line.
Executive editor Tom Brevoort; Senior Editor Nick Lowe; editors Jordan D. White, Ellie Pyle, Janeane Schaefer, Sana Anamat, and Jake Thomas; and assistant editors Xander Jarowey, Mark Basso, and Jon Moisan. Talk includes what an editor does and how to become one, one's voice as editor, what Marvel is doing right, what DC is doing right, and more.